Saturday, June 29, 2013

Journal D

          I’m going to write about some my celebrations. First, I’m going to write about getting my first pay at part-time job. At first, I thought that earning money is very easy before I began to work. However when I work part-time for the first time, I was surprised at no easy matter. That is why when I got my first pay at my part-time job, I was very glad, and I was pleased with my family, though the pay is not many. Then I decided to celebrate about it with my family. I wanted to treat my family to dinner by my first pay, so I decided to go restaurant with them. We went to Joyful. Then we enjoyed having dinner with talking each other. When I paid money, I felt it to be glad little bit.

           Second, I’m going to write about getting into high school. I studied hard very much, so when I heard that I passed entrance examination, I was very surprised and happy. Then I celebrated it with my family. We cooked Temakizushi by ourselves at our home. We enjoyed various kinds of Temakizushi. It was very fun, and it became the unforgettable memory.

           Third, I’m going to write about my birthday. My birthday is the latter half of March, so it is often forgotten by my friends. In addition, it is during spring vacation, so some friends are too busy to celebrate my birthday. However some friends don’t forget it, and they celebrate it. Sometimes, they even hold my birthday party, so I‘m very satisfied.

           I like better celebrate with friends than by myself. I often used to celebrate with my friends in their birthday. I like surprise, so whenever I hold their birthday parties, I hold surprise parties.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little confused. You wrote that you can't cook well, but you also wrote that you want to open an Udon restaurant. I think you mean your **wish** you could open one, right?
    Huh! I didn't know Kagawa was famous for delicious local udon! A student I had in Writing class three years ago explained it to me!

    Prepare to be amazed. This is the website of a popcorn store in Frankenmuth, Michigan my wife and I visited They have 45 flavors of popcorn. I think you might go crazy there! *grin*
    Journal C = 280+ words = 7 APs!!!!

    It took me a minute, but I figured out what te-maki-zushi was. I'd love to be invited to a te-maki-zushi party. I haven't had that experience yet.

    I'm glad you like to plan surprise celebrations for your friends. If you really like to surprise them, plan a party when it's not their birthday. Call it an Unbirthday Party! (like Alice in Wonderland)

    Journal D = 280+ words = 7 APs!!!!
